Photo taken at Learmonth W.A. by W.(Bill)Hite in Sept 1978 during commissioning of the radar.
The Photo PPI (manufactured as Photographic Repeater Scope by E.E.C.) was introduced
to the Bureau in 1976. They were in service until 1989 when they were declared
obsolete with the widespread availability of PC Rapic with its hard-disk based
database system.
General Description
The unit had a Plan Position Indicator set in the top of the cabinet and
a black light-proof box mounted on top. A Lafayette Camera Control unit was
mounted beside the box and either a Bolex 16mm movie camera or a Polaroid still
camera could be fitted on top. The movie camera would be automatically triggered
by the system and this camera would be replaced with the manually operated Polaroid
camera during setting up and also used as a backup camera.
The PPI ranges were;
128km with 20-km range rings
230km with 50-km range rings
450km with 100-km range rings.
Earlier versions are listed with
30nm with 5-nm range rings
60nm with 10-nm range rings
120nm with 20-nm range rings
240nm with 40-nm range rings.
The series of six LED readouts provided ancillary data such as image exposure number, date, time, elevation angle, and a code for the type of video being displayed. A backlit perspex panel with the station name engraved also provided a small area for one or two words to be inscribed using a chinagraph pencil. Often this would be used to indicate a cyclone name if relevant.
The EEC Photo-PPI was fitted to seven WF44 radars and one EEC
WSR74C for archival recording purposes.
Parent Radar
Victorian Regional Office (1.) |
'R' | Laverton |
1976 |
Learmonth Airport (2) |
'R' | Cape Range | 1978 |
Mackay |
'C' | Mackay | Oct 77 |
Townsville Airport |
'R' | Mt Stuart | Oct 77 |
QLD Regional Office (3.) |
'R' | Mt Kanighan | 1977 |
Pt Hedland | 'C' | Pt Hedland | Oct 77 |
Mascot | 'C/R' | Mascot | 1977 |
Sydney RFC |
(4.) | Letterbox WSR74C | Dec 82 |
1.- primary role as network support
2.- temp installed 11/77 to early 78 at Gladstone
3.- initially temporarily installed on Eagle Farm WF44 ('C/R') Dec
'76 for Research Project
4.- part of EEC digital remote
control system
'C' - Centralised site
'R' - Radarplex remote site
'C/R' - Cable remote site
Learmonth used K470P Radarfax to send polaroid
photos to Perth Tropical Warning Centre