The log video was passed to an 'analogue computer' which had adjustments for Z =k r x where each was adjusted by front panel controls at the head site. In reality the 'x' factor was a gain control on the log video and another control added the 'k' as a log addition. This adjusted video was then passed to each iso-echo unit, one in the radar lab on top of the Redmond Barry building and the other in the regional office in the Tilley Building in Latrobe Street. The video and trigger to the Tilley building was sent on a PMG coax cable over an Ericson valve TV video link system that was prone to gain and offset variations. In time this was removed and a Bureau transistorized iso-echo system was installed in the head with relay controls be commanded over a hundred pair cable from the Bureau office. This allowed the removal of the problematic Ericson link system as only leveled video was now sent and absolute analogue amplitude was no longer required .(2)
The radar had a synchro driven servo system to produce deflection coil drive waveforms for the PPI and RHI displays and another system to produce the range and height marker. Of course these two systems would never quite remain in perfect sync causing a poor display of jittery markers.(2)
The specification of the radar includes(1)
3 metre paraboloid, giving a beam of 2.5° |
Azimuth rotation at 10 r.p.m. |
Elevation adjustable between -5° and 90° |
Sector scan and manual control facilities provided |
2800 Mc/s |
500 K.W. peak power |
Pulse length 0.7 or 2.1 microseconds at a PRF of 305 pps |
Linear and logarithmic |
Noise figure, 3db with parametric amplifier |
PPI, Polar RHI and A Scan (plus cartesian RHI at Uni.only) |
Ranges; 0-10, 25, 50, 100, 200 NM, five range rings per range |
Strobe available over whole range to expand trace to 1000 yards / inch |
35mm automatic camera at the University |
Polaroid Land camera at the Regional Office |
Operation Handbook 1/3 |
General Description |
Instruction Handbook | |
Operation Handbook 3/3 | Parts List |
Maintenance Handbook 2/3 | Circuit Diagrams |
Maintenance Handbook 1/3 | Same as B174 but with addition of Corrective Maintenance chapter |
Handling Instructions for 35mm camera |
UHF Signal Generator | ||
Oscilloscope 561A | ||
Power Meter 431B | ||
S Band Frequency Meter | ||
X band Frequency Meter (Parametric Amp.) | ||
S Band Directional Coupler | ||
Thermistor Bridge |
(1) The Melbourne Weather Radar - Working
Paper No.84, Bureau of Meteorology, January 1965
(2) A.L.West (private communications)
(3) Weather Radar Signal Processing-
Working Paper No.136, Bureau of Meteorology, January 1971